Quiz Délibáb (#1) – evaluate how Hungarian you are

I will launch a challenge n this page to evaluate how Hungarian you are. You reply with you best and first guess… the only rule: it is not allowed to Google it first! ok?

1. Do you know what is a Trabant?

2. Would you sere to your guests a wine called  “blood of bull” (sangue de boi in Portuguese or bikavér in Hungarian)?

3. When a Hungarian person says in public “puszi puszi” (say: pussy pussy) to you, do you revert politely or not?

4. In which day does the week start? Sunday or Monday?

5. Which side does the Cheek kissing start? From left to right or right to left?

6. Or even better, when can you use the cheek kiss?

7. Which finger do you start to count? The number one is the thumb or index finger?

8. Between meleg and hideg, which one would you prefer your bath in a cold day?

9. Would you have your fruit soup after or before your meal?

10. What does ABC mean to you?



if you answer rightly between 1-3 questions, congratulation, you are a potential Hungarian!

if you answer rightly between 4-7 questions, check again your roots, you must be Hungarian and you don´t know!

if you answer rightly between 7-10 questions, if you are not yet a Hungarian, please go immediately to the immigration office in Budafók to get your Kartya!

  1. #1 by bodolai ági on May 12, 2013 - 8:20 pm

    Grazi, it seems that I am a real Hungarian, cannot deny it
    🙂 b.ági

  2. #2 by grazielaa on May 12, 2013 - 8:31 pm

    Ual! I am really glad to hear that! kkkk

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